Financial Services
Estate Planning
For over 60 years, HaasHaas + Associates have been building and preserving family wealth through a holistic and proactive approach to estate planning. Using our Personal Financial Needs Assessment, we first help you explore and clarify your expectations and dreams for the future. Only then will we develop your financial plan to realize them, recommending the appropriate products to meet your wealth accumulation goals, both short-term and long-term.
Estate Planning
Regardless of your net worth, estate planning is vital to maximize family wealth, in fulfilling your wishes for your estate and for providing peace of mind now and in the years to come. Planning ahead for all the issues that may arise at the end of life eliminates unnecessary complications and emotional stress for those left behind. From tax-free gifts to special needs trusts, HaasHaas + Associates can help you continue to provide for your family after you are gone. We work in concert with your accountant, legal and other financial advisors in designing an estate plan that will minimize survivors’ expenses, limit fee and tax exposure, and ensure that remaining assets are transferred without delay.
Looking for insurance?
Our support team is here to help you find the right insurance for your needs.