Employee Benefits
Private Healthcare Exchanges
Private Healthcare Exchanges Insurance
Unlike the public Federal and State healthcare exchanges mandated by the Affordable Care Act, private healthcare exchanges are exactly that: private exchanges established by private sector companies, to provide new coverage options to both individuals and employer groups. They’re growing in popularity, especially for employers with a range of employees at varying pay levels who want to offer more benefit plan options. Private exchanges let employees shop for the coverages they want based on individual needs, while helping to control employer costs in today’s turbulent healthcare insurance marketplace.
In truth, we’ve only begun to see how the public and private exchanges will help re-shape benefits planning. That’s why expert advice from the insurance experts at HaasHaas + Associates is so vital, especially for smaller businesses with so many critical decisions to make. Even if your business insurance is with another firm, feel free to call us for an initial consultation... you might be surprised at all you’ll learn.
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Our support team is here to help you find the right insurance for your needs.